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My first outing this year - Pier Fishing

Freshwater saltwater Lakes, Ponds, Rivers, Streams talk about the ones that got away. Show us the ones that didn't.
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My first outing this year - Pier Fishing

Post by Blackdog » Sun May 05, 2019 10:34 am

No photos. When I go fishing I leave all that "stuff": behind.
The closest pier is just abut a half mile long - I have red cart from Academy - drag all my 'stuff" out - no cart, you forget it, you don't get to have it that day!

Two Rods, one with 8lb mono, one with 15lb braid - and If I get ambitions one level wind with 50lb braid. A cooler with two tall-boy Coors Lights and water. A towel to get the "fish" off beer drinking hand. A folding chair, knife, hook pullers and bait (90% soft plastic).

The pier is a half mile long to the T-Head. The T-Head is usually full of on-lookers, kids, and guys trying to fish with things that remind me a DaVinchy sketch.

We have a lot of Bonnet Head Sharks (Tourist "Hammer Heads"), almost as many blacktip sharks, jacks and tarpon when the time is right. There is a huge group of "other" fish - that is what most of us catch. Ever so often a 15lb jack will ambush a white plastic and the the fight is on.

I didn't catch anything worth bragging abut - did catch a tiny buzz from the two tall boys, enjoyed being out in the ocean and all the fresh air. "Going fishing" is not the same as "fishing" but I have fun either way.

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Re: My first outing this year - Pier Fishing

Post by JEBar » Sun May 05, 2019 10:44 am

thanks for invoking memories from long ago when some friends and I would drive several hours to the NC coast and spend the night pier fishing .... we had nights when we caught little, if anything, but we never had a night that we didn't enjoy ....
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