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Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Fri Jul 22, 2022 10:35 am

Got back from Duncan with Tina's machine around lunchtime, and after a break to recover from the drive, got out in the shop to get some work done.
First, I laid out the design I had modified in my mind on the drive. I tossed the original plan as the testing after cutting it out just didn't please me. The new layout feels like it will work.

I designed, in my mind, an oval side panel with a notch, so the overlapping flap will lay evenly on the lower pouch when closed. I came home and went out to the shop and began drawing the side panel. The first drawing didn't work out... too tight in the interior. The second drawing looked promising.

06 layout side panel.jpg
06 layout side panel.jpg (157.53 KiB) Viewed 1703 times

With that, I transferred the drawing to a bit heavier leather for stiffness, and then cut out the first piece.

07 transfer.jpg
07 transfer.jpg (128.95 KiB) Viewed 1704 times

I tested it with the existing panel from the failed first attempt. This let me know about the length I would need. I cut out the other three side panels and made notes on the design parameters.

08 design.jpg
08 design.jpg (174.33 KiB) Viewed 1704 times

With a panel in hand, I tested the application. It is a tentative success. If the panel is properly tooled and will be sewn to the side pieces, I will slightly trim the edge to fit exactly before adding the holes for sewing.

09 application.jpg
09 application.jpg (135.39 KiB) Viewed 1704 times

The panels here are a tad oversized, but will be cut to exact size and exactly square with the flap corners rounded before I start carving and or tooling this afternoon. :) They will likely be 3-1/2 x 10-3/4.

10 two panels.jpg
10 two panels.jpg (47.19 KiB) Viewed 1704 times
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:17 am

Back at the job this morning. Started by using a small square to cut and shape the first panel to 4 x 10-3/4 inches. Want it square and even edges to present a good appearance when the project is sewn together.

11 1st panel sized and shaped.jpg
11 1st panel sized and shaped.jpg (60.63 KiB) Viewed 1695 times

After the panel was cut and the shape was matched against the notched side panel, I marked the areas that would be the face of the front, and the flap area to determine the areas where carvings would be appropriate. Then where stitching would take place, then marked and grooved for the stitch lines on the panel and the side plates. Next I transferred the design to be cut for the tooling and carving, then the borders.

Once all that was done, I started by cutting in (Carving) the Flap design in with the swivel knife.

12 carved flap.jpg
12 carved flap.jpg (179.1 KiB) Viewed 1695 times

I also cut in the front panel design.

13 carved front panel.jpg
13 carved front panel.jpg (136.67 KiB) Viewed 1695 times

Then I went over the border lines with the swivel knife to make them pop as well. The panel is beginning to take shape.

14 carved panel.jpg
14 carved panel.jpg (112.56 KiB) Viewed 1695 times

I began the tooling process on the front panel design by beveling the borders and edges of the leaves.

15 began tooling front panel.jpg
15 began tooling front panel.jpg (196.58 KiB) Viewed 1695 times

There is a lot more work to do, but I am hoping I can bring both designs to life and tool in a credible border. Then hand sew it all together. I'll put together the D-ring assemblies and get them attached after tooling and prior to beginning assembly. I can't wait to see it done.
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:00 pm

Went out this morning and got right to work. First on the list was finishing the tooling on the front panel. Wanted to dress up some work and add some additional detail. Luckily the acorn I was most unhappy with will roll under the bottom of the pouch when the panel is affixed to the side panel. If I'm lucky. :roll:

16 tooled front.jpg
16 tooled front.jpg (205.33 KiB) Viewed 1686 times

Then I could address that flap, which up to this point had only been carved, or cut in. Taking my time I tried to apply all I had learned in the practice up to now, and the lessons learned from some videos last night. I think the result was better than expected. Still not up to what I would like to see, but not enough to toss the panel and start over. :)

17 tooled flap.jpg
17 tooled flap.jpg (231.81 KiB) Viewed 1686 times

After those two sections were done, I gave it some thought, pulled a camo tool and worked my way around the border. Not too bad. ;)
The edges will need burnished and I'll build the D-ring straps and sew them in place. Looking good.

18 tooled panel.jpg
18 tooled panel.jpg (125.2 KiB) Viewed 1686 times

More to come.....
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:02 pm

Yup, all the way up until I apply finish, I'll be spotting little things to improve or touch up. It's just the way it is.... sheesh... I love this hobby.
If it doesn't turn out you cut the leather into a circle, turn it upside down and all it a coaster. :twisted:
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:07 am

Another session in the shop.
Took a leftover piece and ran it thru the strip cutter set at 7/8 inch. Cut an 8" piece and cut that in half to make the two straps for the D-Rings.
Decided to tool those with the Barbed Wire accent... just like using it. Thought it was appropriate as a minor accent on a Single Action fan's pouch. ;) Burnished all four edges on each strap.

19 d ring straps.jpg
19 d ring straps.jpg (138.7 KiB) Viewed 1679 times

Will restrike if needed once the leather dries, but marked and painted on the contact cement. Once the cement was tacky, slid the D-Rings carefully over avoiding contact with the Contact Cement ... :roll: ... and folded the strap over capturing the D-ring and clamped to set aside to cure. Will sew the loops tomorrow.

20 glued and clamped.jpg
20 glued and clamped.jpg (189.02 KiB) Viewed 1679 times

Have to figure out where on the pouch I'll attach them. Back upper edge or side panel. :? It's a crap shoot.
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:32 pm

I went out this morning to figure out where to attach the d ring assemblies, and found that folding and gluing had faded a couple of the "barbs" right over the d-rings. Hmmm? Then I marked the holes to sew down the fold and when I drilled them thru the bit wandered because someone didn't mark the holes deep enough.

The d-ring straps are a minor feature in the project and would be unlikely to be seen or noticed by any casual observer of the project while it hangs on the hip of the user. Should be "Good Enough" but this was to be a gift. Not good enough for a gift. I took a razor and sliced down the center of the two folds, pulling the brass D-rings. We will redo the straps, pics to follow.

Good enough, isn't good enough. :(
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:38 pm

Out in the shop today early. Going to be a hot one, and we won't be doing anything outside. Another 100+ outside temp.
I got one of the leather scraps that was 1" x about 24" and got out the strap cutter. This thing is pretty cool. A vertical blade mounted in a T, with a handle you hold that also works as a guide. It looks something like (exactly like) this:

21 strap cutter.jpg
21 strap cutter.jpg (197.54 KiB) Viewed 1664 times

Set the width you want on the scale, and pull the leather thru, just watch to insure the leather stays against the fence as it enters the cutter. The strap coming out the other side will be the selected width. I cut a piece of the 1" wide strip about 9" long and ran it thru the strap cutter.

22 zip.jpg
22 zip.jpg (86.47 KiB) Viewed 1664 times

Once I had the strap cut to 7/8 inch, I cut it into two strips about 4-1/2 inches long, then took my dividers and set them for 7/16 and marked a reference line down the center of both straps to use as a guide for stamping the accents.

23 ref line.jpg
23 ref line.jpg (135.88 KiB) Viewed 1664 times
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:52 pm

Next up I took my time, insuring I lined up the barbed wire stamp exactly and then struck solidly on each stamping. ONE stamp at a time, not getting in a rush. BAM, solid strikes and lining each center barb line on the reference line. When they were done I set them aside to dry as each piece of leather is cased (Wet down) to accept tooling. Once dried you can check the tooling.

While waiting, I oiled the main panel. The white squares you see in the panel are the areas where the D-ring straps will be glued and sewn down. If I had oiled this area the contact cement will not hold well later. It's purpose is only to hold the straps in place until sewing but it needs to hold. You can see the completed straps in the background.

24 finish on panel.jpg
24 finish on panel.jpg (160.94 KiB) Viewed 1664 times

I then went to work on the D-ring straps, oiling them, and then burnishing the sides. The burnishing seals the open edges of the leather and gives it a pleasing feel. The straps look a lot better than the ones I tossed. Much better. I marked the backs of the straps and glued them with the D-rings trapped in the loops, then clamped them and left them to cure.

25 straps.jpg
25 straps.jpg (93.12 KiB) Viewed 1664 times

While those cured, I went back to the main panel and applied antiquing to the carved and tooled areas, let it sit for a bit and then wiped away the excess. Then I treated the panel with Mink Oil to insure it stayed flexible. It's a bit dark, but will lighten as it cures.

26 oiled and antiqued.jpg
26 oiled and antiqued.jpg (118.68 KiB) Viewed 1664 times
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by BrokenolMarine » Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:55 pm

Now as the D-ring straps are cured, I can drill the holes and sew them, then antique those. I knock that out. Then I texture and then Oil the side pieces. We are getting close. These guys are looking good.

28 d-ring pieces after attention.jpg
28 d-ring pieces after attention.jpg (180.46 KiB) Viewed 1664 times

Tomorrow morning I'll antique the side pieces then while they cure, I'll sew the D-Ring straps onto the main panel. Then... assembly. :o The pucker factor is getting higher.

Watch this space.
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Re: Next Leather Project - 22 Plinking Pouches

Post by Sir Henry » Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:14 am

They indeed looking good.
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