Spring has sprung. Get out and shoot your Henry

Like it or not, and I don't

Sit back and talk with friends. Same rules as before. Rule #1-Relax with friends on the front or back porch.
Rule #2-No Politics, religion or anything above a G level.
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daytime dave
Administrator / Owner
Posts: 4869
Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:27 pm
Location: Upstate NY
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Like it or not, and I don't

Post by daytime dave » Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:29 pm

Like it or not, Covid is a reality in our modern lifestyle. Without going political, it touches a LOT of what we call our everyday lives and livelihood. No matter where you live, what country, what area, it effects all of us. To ignore it on this forum would be a mistake. One of our own admin/owners is now wondering if he has it. Others close to us, including our own membership have had it and will have it. It's not a particularly positive note in any venue. It's not in ours. Some of us get depressed when we read about it. If it has not touched you or your family or loved ones, you are among the lucky. If it has, you are like me and so many others. Soldiers in the battle.

Let us not dwell on this pestilence given to us. This is an oasis in the internet as well as humanity. As we venture forth into 2021 very shortly, let this forum be a place where we all want to come. Those who want to discuss the pestilence are welcome to do so and those wonderful souls who seem to transcend it are more than welcome also. I don't get to post here as often as I like to. That's mostly work related due to the pestilence. I still get here and see what is going on. I revel in the delight of some and the concern of others. My best come away is that this community cares about it's own. You all have done that, not me, not the staff..........you. That is something truly wonderful.

As we come upon a new year full of new prospects and new hope, lets all lift a glass towards one another in kinship. There aren't many places like this on the internet. I'm glad you are all a part of this one. Let us enjoy the wonderful joys we have here. I was dusting today and there were three picture frames on a small table in the man cave that got the dusters attention. The pictures were of our first forum ambassador, RanchRoper. I have always thought him the essence of a cowboy. Three of his photos grace my mancave in tribute to his ability to whisk me away to a time I wish I was in. Folks like him keep me going during the dark times. He is full of life and larger than life to me. I find this forum full of folks like that. Regular members telling their stories about Henry rifles or anything else. So when you need to, talk about Covid. When you don't, look around here and see all the rest of the joy that fills this site.


16 x
Some days I'm Andy, most days I'm Barney........
Eaglescout, NRA Life Endowment member, BCCI Life Member
