One time, as I field stripped the gun, as soon as I separated the stock and FCG from the receiver, I heard something falling on the carpet protector. I looked at the pieces and saw nothing missing. I wrote it up for a piece of brass or some random debris. I put it back and it worked find. But when I took it apart again, there was no resistance on the rearmost pin at all.
You can guess what it was: both clips vacated their positions. Miraculously, I was able to recover both of them (by scanning the area with a bright flashlight).
As you can see, one of the little D-clips is a little opened up. It jumped out of its place first. I didn't notice it, because I was looking at the mechanism from
the opposite side, where the remaining clip was.
For now I put them both back in place.
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Happy New Year all
First mechanical issue
Re: First mechanical issue
We've all been there when parts somehow relocate themselves during disassembly. I find the bright light helps too, as does a strong magnet that you can sweep over the area with. Not everything is magnetic, but most is.
I hope you squooze shut that open one a bit before reinstalling it.
I hope you squooze shut that open one a bit before reinstalling it.
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Re: First mechanical issue
I did close it, although it was a little challenging. If I just compress it with pliers, it springs right back. I used jeweler's bending pliers with a channel.
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