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Much Obliged Guidelines

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:39 am
by daytime dave
To help guide folks in this section, these guidelinse will be stickied at the top of the section.
A "point or Lead" member should make a post outlining a brief reason for the post. If it is a donation type request, that member should have a vetted link to the off-site link for members to follow if interested. Any questions or issues can be fielded by the lead or point member making the post. In the absence of a link, the name, address and in care of informatin can be posted by the point member in the post. All questions or issues will be addressed to the point member.

HRF staff will lilely have no informatin regarding the post. The HRF staff will maintain the same order here as on the rest of the forum. Complaints or issues stemming from posts may result in the thread being pulled from the forum.

****Make sure you have the members permission to post an effort on their behalf or that of their family before actually doing so.****