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Truck shows

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Re: Truck shows

Post by biglever » Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:01 pm

You need a double team to run over the road and make
Any time. I've done it solo, and with a team driver.
There are so many issues you run into on the road.
Besides time schedules.
Been there done that.
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Re: Truck shows

Post by dave77 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:55 pm

BrokenolMarine wrote: In addition, the company knew the restrictions the drivers were under ref hours, and that they would run into weather and traffic, but set unrealistic goals for arrival with loads.
Years ago when my friend was delivering freight he said his log books that had to be turned into the state were a complete fabrication. Now he drives fruit around and during harvest, which now lasts from June into late Nov. here in Washington, it's common for him to be into overtime by Thursday and work 6 and sometimes 7 days a week. He's home most nights but it's get some dinner, watch a little TV and go to bed.
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Re: Truck shows

Post by biglever » Sun Nov 18, 2018 1:09 pm

Trucker's story, I was gone most of the week , driving over the road. But before this road job came up, I was very involved in my locale sportsmans club. Any how every year around june.the club has their summer steak
Bake. And I didn't want to miss the club bake.
Things were looking good for me to make it home for the weekend.
I just took a load up to Winsconsin dropped it off, and pickup a load of Whey milk , that's the stuff they make
Soft icecream out of .and this is the peak of summer time, and Dairy Queen shops were screaming for this stuff up by the saint Lawrence sea way Watertown NY.
So my plan was to drop this load in Watertown. Fri AM.
Head home for the weekend.
So I back my rig up to the warehouse to off load this stuff, and the guys in there white coats come to inspect
The load, and grab a bag of this stuff and it's as hard as concrete. They look at me and ask is this whole load like this, beats me, i said what's it supposed to be like, he said it should be like powdered milk.
Then he asked if my trailer roof leaks. I said NO. and it hasn't rained the hole trip.
So then he crawled all the way up to the front of the trailer checking bags.
He says we can't except this load, were going to call the factory, I call my boss. The guy comes back, says take it back, the factory knows there drying process screwed up
A batch. So I tell my boss he says take it back, I said on Monday, he says now, I told him I really would like to be home this weekend, he said take it back now.
I took it back, but didn't drive for him much longer.
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