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Range day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:08 pm
by bandit1250
Took some time to go to the range. Decided to only take two rifles. Worked out that both were Model 513's but one was a Remington Target model and one was a CZ Basic. The CZ was scoped and the Remington has the factory 75 Redfield peep and the aperture front. Lost about a yard or so at the range from all the rain and the very high berm had slid down. So it was about 48-49 and not 50 yds. The 513 Basic is about the same action as a 452 with different machining for the mounting of the trigger which comes from the factory with a 6-7 lb. non-adjustable trigger. Uses the same bolt as the 452. Seems that no one ever wanted to try to improve the trigger pull. I modified mine and after probably 30-40 times removing it from the action I now have 1 1/2lb. creep free trigger. I shot CCI standards and Geco rifle target (made by RWS) and the little cheap CZ staying right around a half inch at the distance I shot and two 5 shot groups were 3/8".
The Remington with the peep sights I shot it at 35 yds to sight it in with the peep sights that had been off for a while while I had a Redfield International Match peep on it. Then moved out to the 48yds and shot empty 12 ga. shot shell hulls and hit the ones I could see well but the black hulls blend in with the old coal and slate bank and were difficult to see. Was straining these old eyes pretty hard to see them. This was a last minute decision to go to the range and forgot some of my ammo but still had plenty with me being there by myself with just two rifles to shoot. It was fun and that is what counts. Take care and shoot often. bandit1250

Re: Range day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:52 pm
by BigAl52
I bet that CZ would stay right with that Remington if Mrs Bandit was shooting it

Re: Range day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:25 pm
by bandit1250
BigAl52 wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:52 pm
I bet that CZ would stay right with that Remington if Mrs Bandit was shooting it

The CZ shot tighter groups than the Remington. The CZ is scoped and the Remington has peep sights. Never had a scope on the 513 Remington as it is a 1946 and were not D&T or grooved in those early years. That little Basic will shoot with rifles costing much more. I don't have $250 dollars in it just mostly spent time tuning on the trigger and action hold down screw torque until finding the sweet spot. By the way Mrs bandit can shoot better than over 90% of the guys in our hunting club. She loves her Grand Finale but feels better shooting her 452 Trainer. Our Trainers are very accurate but I still love '40's up to late '60's Remington 22's.

Re: Range day

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:54 pm
by Vaquero
Sounds like a good time was definitely had, congrats to you bud.
I worked, then came home and mowed the biggest part of the yard.


Re: Range day

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:34 am
by BigAl52
bandit1250 wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:25 pm
BigAl52 wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:52 pm
I bet that CZ would stay right with that Remington if Mrs Bandit was shooting it

The CZ shot tighter groups than the Remington. The CZ is scoped and the Remington has peep sights. Never had a scope on the 513 Remington as it is a 1946 and were not D&T or grooved in those early years. That little Basic will shoot with rifles costing much more. I don't have $250 dollars in it just mostly spent time tuning on the trigger and action hold down screw torque until finding the sweet spot. By the way Mrs bandit can shoot better than over 90% of the guys in our hunting club. She loves her Grand Finale but feels better shooting her 452 Trainer. Our Trainers are very accurate but I still love '40's up to late '60's Remington 22's.
Bandit that comment was tongue and cheek because you always mentioned she out shoots you with those Grand Finales

Re: Range day

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:35 am
by bandit1250
BigAl, Your comment didn't bother me in any way. I always post when we shoot at the range just how good she is for a shooter that never fired a rifle until the mid 90's. I thought maybe you hadn't seen the part where the CZ was scoped and the Remington had peep sights. Guys in my area are always asking me to shoot competition and I just tell them my wife is all the competition I need. Sometimes I win and sometimes she out shoots me. I get a kick out of the people that watch her shoot and are amazed at her accuracy with her rifles. One day the president of the club watched her shoot. He is a very arrogant guy and always has to say something smart before getting in his truck and leaving the range. He said I thought you were a good shot but I think your wife just may be better than you. My reply was "Well just think about how bad she would make you look". He didn't say another word but it sure took the big smile off his face. My wife loved the answer I gave him. Shoot often. bandit

Re: Range day

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:49 am
by North Country Gal
bandit, as you know, I also love bolt guns, so I really enjoyed your post. I actually started shooting with a Remington 513T with Redfield peep in Junior Rifle Club when I was in eighth grade. That's what the club used as their stock rifles, so every week, you just grabbed a rifle and were given x number of rounds to sight in before shooting for score. I suspect those Remingtons had a gazillion rounds through the, but you just couldn't wear one out. Great memories.