Tina has been raising fowl for decades. Roosters can be an issue. She doesn't tolerate aggressive roosters that target human targets, nor roosters that are aggressive with the hens. They quickly become dinner. It was funny, we had around 150 chickens at one time, and a dozen roosters to accomodate all those hens. One young rooster would grab the hens and assault them. (I won't use the R word.) The Dominate Rooster Beat him up for it... then walked up to one of HIS hens, cooed to her for a minute and she presented herself, he covered her and then walked away. "There, that's how it's done."
The young rooster ran over to one of his hens and grabbed her and had his way with her. The Big Boy kicked his butt again. The young feller went over and cooed and clucked to his hen. She laughed at him but presented....
A week or so later, he forgot the lesson. Big Boy reminded him about the previous lessons. He didn't forget again.