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Practicle Wisdom

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Practicle Wisdom

Post by Vaquero » Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:59 am

Practicle Wisdom : A professor finds himself sitting next to a farmer on a train. Bored, the professor decides to propose a game to pass the time.
“I’ll ask you a question,” the professor says. “If you can’t answer, you give me $5. Then, you ask me a question. If I can’t answer, I’ll give you $500. What do you say?”
The farmer nods in agreement.
The professor starts, “What is the distance between the Earth and the Moon?”
The farmer silently pulls out $5 and hands it to the professor.
Now it’s the farmer’s turn. He asks, “What animal has three legs when climbing a mountain and four legs when coming down?”
The professor is stumped. He racks his brain, searches for logical explanations, and even consults his notebook, but he can’t find an answer. Frustrated, he hands over $500 to the farmer.
The farmer takes the money with a smile and leans back to take a nap.
Curious and unwilling to let it go, the professor shakes the farmer awake and asks, “Alright, what animal is it?”
The farmer silently pulls out $5, hands it to the professor, and goes back to sleep.
:D :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Practicle Wisdom

Post by Hatchdog » Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:13 am

Excellent! :lol:
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Re: Practicle Wisdom

Post by DsGrouse » Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:35 am

Vaquero wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:59 am
Practicle Wisdom : A professor finds himself sitting next to a farmer on a train. Bored, the professor decides to propose a game to pass the time.
“I’ll ask you a question,” the professor says. “If you can’t answer, you give me $5. Then, you ask me a question. If I can’t answer, I’ll give you $500. What do you say?”
The farmer nods in agreement.
The professor starts, “What is the distance between the Earth and the Moon?”
The farmer silently pulls out $5 and hands it to the professor.
Now it’s the farmer’s turn. He asks, “What animal has three legs when climbing a mountain and four legs when coming down?”
The professor is stumped. He racks his brain, searches for logical explanations, and even consults his notebook, but he can’t find an answer. Frustrated, he hands over $500 to the farmer.
The farmer takes the money with a smile and leans back to take a nap.
Curious and unwilling to let it go, the professor shakes the farmer awake and asks, “Alright, what animal is it?”
The farmer silently pulls out $5, hands it to the professor, and goes back to sleep.
:D :lol: :lol: :lol:


John and Billy-Jo were short on cash, and their primary source of income had just died.

"Whuts we gunna do," John asked. "Our old donkey Davey is dead. How'z we going to plow the fields?"

Billy-Jo thought about it long and very hard. "We'z buy a tractor."

The two put their heads together and made some signs. They plastered them all over town. They read.
"Donkey raffle, 5 dollars per ticket."

In short order, they were down at the local co-op buying a new tractor, cash in hand.

The tractor salesman knew how poor John and Billy-Jo were, but he asked, "Where'd all this money come from?"

"Our donkey raffle," John said proudly.

"I thought Davie died," the salesman said.

"Yeup," Billy-jo said.

"What did you do?" the salesman asked. "How did you raffle a dead donkey?"

"We gave the winner a refund," John said.
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Re: Practicle Wisdom

Post by Vaquero » Thu Jan 30, 2025 5:34 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Good one DS

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Re: Practicle Wisdom

Post by Mags » Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:13 pm

Practicle or Practical?

Maybe Practicle truly was meant. "Practicle" is an AI learning app. And from that you could arrive at "Practicle Wisdom"
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Re: Practicle Wisdom

Post by BrokenolMarine » Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:21 am

A farmer came to visit his son locked up in prison doing two years.

The Farmer picks up the phone, the son picks up the phone and the farmer tells his son that with HIM doing time he won't be able to plant the two acres behind the house, he can't till it by hand alone. Without that extra income for the year, he doesn't know how they will make it. "I'll take care of it Daddy."

As soon as his dad leaves, the son writes a letter to his dad saying that the "Thing" they talked about when he visited was buried in that back two acres. Leave it there until I get out. You know they are looking for it and without it, they can't prove anything.

The father came to visit a week later, and told him he didn't know how he did it, but not only did the prison send the sheriff's office out and plow the two acres, but they turned all the soil and sifted it. "They sure were angry when they left." :lol:
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Re: Practicle Wisdom

Post by Vaquero » Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:03 am

:lol: I've heard that one before.

Mags, I just copied and pasted it. :lol: ;)

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Re: Practicle Wisdom

Post by HenryFan » Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:24 am

Two farmers were siting in rocking chairs on the front of the local feed and seed store.

One farmer asked the other "James, what would you do if you won the 1 million dollar lotto?"

James paused for a second and said "I guess I would just keep farming till it was gone."
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