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Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:59 am
by Sir Henry
JEBar wrote:if all goes well, I'm due to turn 70 in 28 days .... old enough to remember working in our family mountain grocery store where I hand pumped kerosene for a nickle a quart/nineteen cents a gallon .... sold cigarettes for $1.95 a carton/$.20 a pack .... bought gasoline for $0.199 a gallon .... the first Television .... the first hand held calculator .... learning to use a slide rule in college .... punching holes in a card to program a computer .... when there were no cell phones or personal computers .... when muscle cars ruled .... 3 crystal CB radios .... when cars and homes weren't air conditioned .... when vehicles didn't come with seat belts .... when cars had vacuum or hand crank windshield wipers .... the use pattern for the pedals of a Model T ... :D
When I was a kid I used to laugh at people in their 70's. Now its not so funny. :( :) :D

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:01 am
by RanchRoper
I remember getting a nickel ice cream for five cents. :)

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:05 am
by Sir Henry
I can remember when penny candy didn't require folding money.

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:07 am
by JCN
I love the term folding money. In the United States, money that doesn't fold doesn't have much value either!

I'm rather young for the Henry demographic I suppose. 33 years old with my first child on the way in February. He will get a Henry very early on in life.

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:12 am
by Deadwood Dutch
Old enough to remember when only one family on the block owned a TV and the kids would gather there at 5:00 PM to watch the Howdy Doody show. Our first TV a year or so later and how happy I was to watch The Lone Ranger, The Cisco Kid and Hopalong Cassidy. Covered Wagon Theater on Saturday mornings. Air raid drills in the elementary school, penny candy at the corner store, soda pop that was cooled at the store in a large bin filled with ice, and horse manure in the street from the horse that pulled the milk wagon. (71)

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:18 am
by JCN
Wow and I thought it was cool I could remember my parents black and white tv!

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:52 am
by Sir Henry
I can remember when it took 5 minutes for the TV to come on.

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 11:17 am
by RanchRoper
My wife had an old uncle who missed the July '69 moon landing because "I didn't buy a color TV to watch g** d*** black and white."

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 11:50 am
by DWD445
JEBar wrote:if all goes well, I'm due to turn 70 in 28 days .... old enough to remember working in our family mountain grocery store where I hand pumped kerosene for a nickle a quart/nineteen cents a gallon .... sold cigarettes for $1.95 a carton/$.20 a pack .... bought gasoline for $0.199 a gallon .... the first Television .... the first hand held calculator .... learning to use a slide rule in college .... punching holes in a card to program a computer .... when there were no cell phones or personal computers .... when muscle cars ruled .... 3 crystal CB radios .... when cars and homes weren't air conditioned .... when vehicles didn't come with seat belts .... when cars had vacuum or hand crank windshield wipers .... the use pattern for the pedals of a Model T ... :D
I remember all that stuff and still drive a Model T once in a while !! :D
I remember filling up my dirt bike for .65c :shock:
And when you called someone and got a busy signal or no answer !!
And not dialing an area code for local calls, Home # was VA5-49xx :?

Re: Age Survey: How old are you?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:23 pm
by Sir Henry
RanchRoper wrote:My wife had an old uncle who missed the July '69 moon landing because "I didn't buy a color TV to watch g** d*** black and white."
I didn't know we landed on the moon till May of the next year.