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Tina's Workshop Roof

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Tina's Workshop Roof

Post by BrokenolMarine » Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:52 pm

Last winter, during an icestorm and high winds, a six inch thick branch about four feet long broke off one of the trees that shades Miss Tina's workshop in the summer. It dropped like a fat javelin and speared thru the ridge vent at the peak. Sad, as the new roof on that building was just under three years old. :? Then, the impact neatly broke the branch off at about six inches above the ridge vent, the other three feet of it's length falling into the snow behind the building. The roof is not easily viewed, so we didn't know about the damage until the boss noticed water damage to the ceiling inside. Investigating the leak revealed the six inch hole in the roof.

I am not allowed on ladders, so with the boss doing the aerials, we put a small tarp over the peak to cover the damage, stop the leaking, and wait for warmer weather. This morning was warmer weather. Working together, my grounded status relegating me to a gofer and advisor; we cut a metal patch to slip under the shingles covering the ridge vent at the hole, effectively plugging the hole. Then, sith a new quart can of roofing tar sealer, Miss T liberally sealed the edges of the shingle, and filled the hole in the ridge thru which the metal patch was, but no longer is, visible. No more problem.

Done and Done
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Re: Tina's Workshop Roof

Post by markiver54 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:04 pm

Nice to stay on top of things, ( pun intended ) :lol:
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Re: Tina's Workshop Roof

Post by JEBar » Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:55 pm

I've seen too much damage from falling tree limbs to be happy with a tree anywhere near our place and whenever possible park on campsites that have a clear view in all directions .... glad you have been able to seal the hole, hopefully interior damage won't be too hard to repair
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Re: Tina's Workshop Roof

Post by The Wiz » Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:23 pm

Last month I watched a crew bring down an 60 ft dead tree. After about three hours of rigging a come - along and cutting , it came down cleanly and did not get hung up. But as it came down it just exploded with branches flying off in every direction. When the dust settled, we could see some of the branches harpoon into the ground about 12 inches. I will never underestimate what a falling tree can do, ever.
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Re: Tina's Workshop Roof

Post by BrokenolMarine » Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:48 am

Several years ago, we hired a professional to come out and remove a half dozen trees in close proximity to the house and carport. It wasn't cheap, and his dance card was backed up for six weeks. But, he showed up with two trained assistants for ground work, a bucket truck, six different WORKING chain saws, and a plan. It was like a really loud ballet. He was a conductor, coordinating his boys on the ground with hand signals: move here, tighten the line, pull that direction, send up saw number four, fuel this and swap chains.

It was a swirl of action, but i noticed he never made a single cut without knowing where everyone on the ground was located, and large branches weren't cut and allowed to just fall. A control line was passed over a higher branch, or a nearby tree and the drop was controlled.

Two weeks after we invested that money in prevention, a huge rain and windstorm ripped thru the area, dropping trees and taking out power all over the region. If we hadn't taken them out when we did, I am sure, one or more would have dropped on at least the carport.
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Re: Tina's Workshop Roof

Post by Mgderf » Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:16 pm

Just last year I had a customer call that had a 12" diameter branch skewer her bedroom ceiling.
I was never so happy to see that damage.
Only 12 feet away was a complete glass sunroom, glass ceiling and all!

The shingled roof was MUCH easier to repair!
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