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Shakey Jake
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Re: Hay

Post by Shakey Jake » Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:58 pm

After I left the farm and went to college in 1972 I swore I'd never work on a farm again. I sort of yearn for some acreage now, but wouldn't want the hard work of keeping a dairy farm going. I remember my parents only taking two vacations and both were when my brother and I were old enough to manage farm chores while they were gone. It was a hard life but dad seemed to enjoy it. Dad passed 10 yrs later and mom sold the farm.
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Re: Hay

Post by Ozarkridgerunner » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:33 pm

Yes sir. There are definitely easier and more lucrative ways to make a living. You had better love it and come to grips with the facts such as being at the mercy of the weather, volatile markets , etc. We used to milk cows run beef cows put up 100,000 square bales a year. Don't really know how we did it. Big family and a lot of 100+ hours a week I reckon. We are totally all stock cows (beef) now and round bale almost all of our hay now. I'm also a Field Representative for a large cattle stock yards. It helps subsidize my ranching habit !!
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Shakey Jake
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Re: Hay

Post by Shakey Jake » Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:33 pm

Ozarkridgerunner wrote:Yes sir. There are definitely easier and more lucrative ways to make a living. You had better love it and come to grips with the facts such as being at the mercy of the weather, volatile markets , etc. We used to milk cows run beef cows put up 100,000 square bales a year. Don't really know how we did it. Big family and a lot of 100+ hours a week I reckon. We are totally all stock cows (beef) now and round bale almost all of our hay now. I'm also a Field Representative for a large cattle stock yards. It helps subsidize my ranching habit !!
I hear ya'. We milked just over a hundred cows twice a day. Sometimes it got up to about 120 but never under 100. We had to schedule life around milking and what goes with it.
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