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My Second 22 pouch

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My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:31 pm

After a break, during which I mailed the first 22 pouch to the recipient, I have gotten started on the second pouch, which I will be keeping for Miss T and myself. The first step was to thicken the sides to make the sewing easier. (A lesson learned.) I carefully marked and cut another pair of side panels, then glued and clamped them to set up overnight. When I put the angled holes thru these, they will come out between the two pieces in a consistent line. Easy Peasy. :D

01 starting.jpg
01 starting.jpg (149.57 KiB) Viewed 2762 times

The next morning, I took the side panels out of the clamps, and trimmed the edges to match. Then cut the notch about 3/8" higher. This will make the front panel higher. I will sand the edges smooth and make sure they are smoothly rounded before assembly. I used the side panels to measure the length needed for the main panel.

02 trimmed.jpg
02 trimmed.jpg (140.85 KiB) Viewed 2762 times

Using a 12" carpenters square, I squared up all the edges on the panel then cut the main panel to 3-1/2" wide and to the length needed to fit the side panel. Using a circle template, I rounded the bottom corners of the front flap. and then marked the stitch lines. Then the borders for the tooling areas. I also marked the area on the back where the belt loop will go. When the prep work was done, I tooled the flap.

03 Flap Basket Weave.jpg
03 Flap Basket Weave.jpg (123.45 KiB) Viewed 2762 times

So far, so good. Not bad.
Last edited by BrokenolMarine on Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:32 pm

*** All this practice will pay off.

I have single actions to make a gun belt for. I am looking forward to tooling THAT. :P
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by North Country Gal » Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:45 pm

I'm the recipient and this pouch is truly a work of art and a treasure. Will report, later, with pics.
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:30 am

A bit of work on the new pouch on Monday. I tooled the front panel area and then cut the stitching grooves down both sides of the main panel. That is always a pucker factor for me and I go slow and steady, but a slip... :? ... and you are starting over. To determine where to cut the grooves you wrap the main panel around the side panel and mark the end point. I'll add accents in the corners later. Still need to burnish the sides.

04 front panel tooling.jpg
04 front panel tooling.jpg (124.3 KiB) Viewed 2723 times

I also cut the stitching grooves in the side panels. These I couldn't use the grooving tool, I cut these with a swivel knife. Slow, steady, with the cutting hand anchored to the bench to prevent the knife leaping forward. (This happens when you first learn to use the knife.) :twisted: You avoid this error by anchoring the cutting hand, having a VERY sharp swivel knife, and going sloooow.

05 stitching grooves.jpg
05 stitching grooves.jpg (125.4 KiB) Viewed 2723 times

Have a new stamp and used it to add accents. Not perfect, but these are the side panels, and after I do the backgrounding, they won't look too bad. ;) Antiquing and the rest will blend my errors out. :roll: We can only hope. It's an ammo pouch, not a Bespoke Wallet. Sigh. (I keep telling myself that.)

06 accents.jpg
06 accents.jpg (129.14 KiB) Viewed 2723 times

I cut the belt loop for the back panel. I'll sew that on before beginning the assembly. I also ordered a piece of hardware I need. Should arrive by the end of the week. :) Work will stop for several days anyway, my Daughter arrives with her family for her first visit from VA since we moved. No work in the shop for five days or so.

07 belt loop.jpg
07 belt loop.jpg (266.46 KiB) Viewed 2723 times

Watch this space.
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:59 am

Well, the gang arrived from VA on Wednesday, then the gang arrived from Southern OK on Friday. We had a house full all week. The six year old granddaughter from VA stayed wound up like the energizer bunny. :shock: Retired and used to the quiet in the ghost town... I enjoyed the visit but ... :? The Southern OK gang had to depart noon on Sunday, the Son-in-law had to work Monday. The VA gang had an early plane on Monday so we were up around five for the drive to OKC. Whew... we all spent some time recovering from the visit but it was fun... though stressful. The little farm house was busting at the seams. :P

Back at it in the shop.
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:11 am

Back out working in the shop again, I worked more on the belt loop first. Taking the glass burnisher and working to wet form the belt loop to the sample belt I keep on the bench. It's looking good.

08 wet formed.jpg
08 wet formed.jpg (161.04 KiB) Viewed 2643 times

I had decided to use a Post / Strap closure on this pouch, so I worked at making the strap, making and rejecting several before I settled on this one. (Seen in the pic on the far right.)

I kept the rejected scrap ones to test the punches and cut the slots in to determine how to make the slot and hole combo. then I punched all the holes for sewing. The straight thru holes in the mail panel are always easy. The angled holes in the side panels are a PITA and took two sessions.

09 holes.jpg
09 holes.jpg (155.48 KiB) Viewed 2643 times

I knew what I want in the finish and color, so for the base, I used a yellow dye, and applied two coats. The first one was a BRIGHT yellow. Nope. The second toned down and looked like the leaves in the fall. More golden once the leather dried. Better. Still wet here.

10 yellow dye.jpg
10 yellow dye.jpg (136.15 KiB) Viewed 2643 times
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:19 am

While the dye was drying, I took a couple pieces of scrap and practiced some border patterns. Not perfect by a long shot, but getting there. The top one is a ROPE pattern, and the bottom is the Ribbon pattern.

11 border practice.jpg
11 border practice.jpg (209.46 KiB) Viewed 2643 times

Once the dye was dry, I applied a finish to put a barrier between the leather and the antique paste.

12 finish.jpg
12 finish.jpg (165.67 KiB) Viewed 2643 times

While that dried I pulled the angled Basket Weave stamp and set to practice. This one has always given me trouble perfecting the pattern. Slow and Steady, I still tended to slip. PRACTICE makes perfect? :P

13 bw practice.jpg
13 bw practice.jpg (99.88 KiB) Viewed 2643 times

Once the finish had dried, the anteek was applied and I had applied and removed, applied and removed until I was happy with the balance. I left that to dry overnight. I wanted it to stay where I put it.

14 anteek.jpg
14 anteek.jpg (180.71 KiB) Viewed 2643 times

This morning I came out and applied a coating of sheen finish. It will seal in the antique and give the leather a light shine. Now I can begin the assembly. First step after the sheen dries will be to sew on the belt loop, then apply the post to the bottom. The strap for the flap can be punched and attached AFTER completion.

15 sheen applied.jpg
15 sheen applied.jpg (183.07 KiB) Viewed 2643 times
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:41 am

Finally time to break out the Cowboy and sew down the belt loop. Before I started sewing, I checked the bobbin. :evil: Nearly empty. I am new to sewing and this new machine, so I had to read the procedure for loading up bobbins. Then I figured, if I was loading up one, might as well load up them all. ;)

There were eight. I filled five with the white thread and three with as most of my projects will be sewn in white. After that delay, it was time to sew down the belt loop. I used a scrap of belt in the slot to make sure I got it tight up against it, and sewed 'er down. Not bad for an amateur.

16 sewn.jpg
16 sewn.jpg (169.88 KiB) Viewed 2624 times

Next on the agenda was to punch the hole for the post for the closure strap. I had to remark the location, as the dye had obscured the first mark. No problem, recalculated the location and make a pencil mark to locate the hole, punched it. I didn't install the post yet, waiting a bit.

17 hole for post.jpg
17 hole for post.jpg (189.59 KiB) Viewed 2624 times

The time had come to begin sewing and I had purchased curved needles, sure they would make the task easier. I threaded a pair of large curved needles and started. :evil: Ah, nope, what a pain. Went to the smaller pair thinking they would be perfect. ;) What a disappointment. Didn't work any better. Threaded back the original short straight needles and got to work. For the most part, the project went well. The curves... sucked.


18 strain.jpg
18 strain.jpg (150.28 KiB) Viewed 2624 times

I got about halfway thru the sewing and had to take a break, my back, neck, and shoulders were whining like six year olds who missed their naps.
I got back to it late in the afternoon and picked back up, knocked out more sewing but forgot my phone. More pics and an update to follow.
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:46 pm

Waiting for a return call from the VA so I had to stay inside. The metal building where the shop is blocks the cell phone and the house phone signals. I brought the pouch inside and finished the hand sewing in my recliner. The closure strap and the minor cosmetics will have to wait, but this gives you an idea of the finished project. I am pretty happy with 'er. :P

A quarter view. You can see the post for the closure centered on the bottom. ;) :

19 sewn.jpg
19 sewn.jpg (88.47 KiB) Viewed 2620 times

A nice front view.

20 two.jpg
20 two.jpg (142.64 KiB) Viewed 2620 times

and a view with the flap open...

21 sewn 3.jpg
21 sewn 3.jpg (147.67 KiB) Viewed 2620 times

I'll still need to dress the edges and mount the closure strap. But... she's basically done.
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Re: My Second 22 pouch

Post by BrokenolMarine » Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:14 pm

Waited until after 4:30 when the VA folks would have left for the day, then went out into the shop and finished the pouch. I am satisfied with the result. It turned out pretty close to the plan in my head. It's crowded in there, so I think this was the plan all along... :twisted:

22 completed.jpg
22 completed.jpg (116.53 KiB) Viewed 2617 times

As always, I learned a few things and made a few mistakes. I'll touch up this and that, but it's done. Usable, and I think it will work and last a long time.

23 completed too.jpg
23 completed too.jpg (132.89 KiB) Viewed 2617 times

Feedback is always appreciated.
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