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Re: 2018 Winter in Texas

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:36 pm
by GFK
Seems like a plan!

Re: 2018 Winter in Texas

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:14 pm
by JEBar
469.9 miles covered in 10 hr 10 min after leaving Douglas, GA, we are back home .... our choice was to cover the distance in a single long day or two short ones .... for us that's a long day's drive but it made more sense to us than spending an extra day on the road .... we got in right at dark, only essentials have been taken out of the camper, we won't get serious about unpacking until tomorrow .... thankfully, very little excitement today, the accidents and construction we encountered were on the other side of the highways we traveled ..... I hope to post a trip summery tomorrow but one thing I already know is our truck ran well .... in spite of bucking very heavy headwinds during 2 days going out and 3 coming back, she averaged something over 9 mpg for the trip

Re: 2018 Winter in Texas

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:49 pm
by JEBar
a few reflections ----- all in all, we had a good trip to Texas and we enjoyed (most) of our time down there .... round trip we covered 3,792.6 miles .... our last day's drive from Douglas, GA to our home was our longest of the trip, 462.9 miles covered in 10 hrs 10 min .... for us, that constitutes a very long day .... as is always the case, we found some issues that must be addressed before we can pull out again in early June .... unfortunately, this year those issues are going to be a bit expensive to take care of ..... my plan is to replace both of the OEM leaf springs on the front axle and door-side rear spring that was installed back in 2015 .... if that spring appears to be in very good shape, it will become our spare .... in addition, we will replace all 4 hubs containing new Nev-R-Lube bearings and complete brake assemblies .... the tire we purchased in Conroe to get us home will become our spare and a new Goodyear G614 will go on the ground .... I hope to get a new protective fender installed to replace the one that failed a we had to discard .... right now I tend to believe that will be the hardest thing to fix .... today is the first day of spring, they are calling for snow in our area in the morning .. :? .. about all I can do now is to get the parts ordered and one the way