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Beach Burgers

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:36 pm
by JEBar
many years ago when our kid were much younger (as were we ), we developed a vacation place down at Holden's Beach, NC .... one of our favorites to fix became known to us as beach burgers (AKA: stuffed burgers) .... they are simple to fix and give everyone an opportunity to customize their burgers to their own liking .... the concept is simple enough, pat out the burger into a bowl shape leaving a thick portion of meat all around the edges .... chop whatever you want to add to your burger and place it in bowls .... everyone fills their bowl and then uses the additional hamburger around the edges to cover the stuffing .... grill until done which due to the burger's walls being thin doesn't take very long .... you can use whatever items you like, for the ones in the pictures below we used:

cheese, celery, bell pepper, jalapeƱo pepper, onion, ripe olives, pecans, pimento, and mushrooms

I seasoned mine with TexJoy Steak Seasoning prior to grilling

once they were on the table I covered mine with cheese and mushroom gravy

as usual, really turned out good


Re: Beach Burgers

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:33 pm
by ditto1958
Hmmmm.... those look delicious.

Re: Beach Burgers

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:11 pm
by JEBar
new twist on making our Beach Burgers .... flatten/roll out the hamburger between two pieces of wax paper to about the thickness of 3 quarters .... put the stuffing items on one end of the rolled out hamburger .... use the wax paper to fold the other end of the burger over the stuffing and work the burger to seal in the stuffing ....season and grill as you choose .... the thin hamburger gets done quicker and more evenly .... serve as a hamburger steak or any other way you choose .... this has proven the best way we've found to make them