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Private MSG's hung up in "OUTBOX"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:48 am
by henry22
I'm sorry for posting this here, but has anyone experience private msg's they've sent, hanging up in the OUTBOX? I sent a member a pvt msg last night, and I thought it was SENT. But I looked for a response this am, and found the sent msg still in the outbox.

Why does the system do that?


NOTE : this thread has been moved

Re: Private MSG's hung up in "OUTBOX"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:09 am
by RetiredSeabee
They stay in your outbox until the person logs on. It puzzled me at first as well.
One of the advantages to this is that you can edit the message If needed.

Re: Private MSG's hung up in "OUTBOX"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:35 am
by PT7
Agreed, Henry. When I first bumped into this I couldn't figure what was happening. When I did see the action, it was okay by me.

At my last job position, the university's email system had a "notification of receipt" option. A person could choose to use it or not. It behaved similarly to our HRF "outbox." I used it. For instance, often I'd send out either important or time-sensitive emails, particularly to busy, busy academic deans. If my inquiry was not opened and the issue needed resolution, I'd be on the horn if the dean didn't get back to me. Then it was quite a handy tool. Here I look at it just as how often a person may log into the Forum.

P.S. When I first glanced at your subject for this post, I thought you were talking about the flavor enhancer put into foods, MSG.
Duh, I guess it is a little too early in the morning and I'm not awake yet!! :lol:

Re: Private MSG's hung up in "OUTBOX"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:26 am
by henry22
That's excellent, much thanks guys.

Segue if either of you two know how...

IF I wanted to lessen the trigger weight of both my rimfire Henry's, would I address the trigger spring, or the trigger & safety locking bar springs together?

Re: Private MSG's hung up in "OUTBOX"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 12:02 pm
by Mags
I had noticed this too. Thought it was just slow sending like other email programs I use elsewhere. Anyway, interesting to know what the real cause is.
henry22 wrote:I'm sorry for posting this here, but has anyone experience private msg's they've sent, hanging up in the OUTBOX? I sent a member a pvt msg last night, and I thought it was SENT. But I looked for a response this am, and found the sent msg still in the outbox.

Why does the system do that?


NOTE : this thread has been moved
RetiredSeabee wrote:They stay in your outbox until the person logs on. It puzzled me at first as well.
One of the advantages to this is that you can edit the message If needed.

Re: Private MSG's hung up in "OUTBOX"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:30 pm
by RetiredSeabee
henry22 wrote:That's excellent, much thanks guys.

Segue if either of you two know how...

IF I wanted to lessen the trigger weight of both my rimfire Henry's, would I address the trigger spring, or the trigger & safety locking bar springs together?
I haven’t needed to touch the trigger on my Little Mare’s Leg. It came out of the box just about perfect.
But Sir Henry has some real experience with adjusting the triggers on several of his Henrys.
He hasn’t been around much lately but when he does drop back in it would be worth the time to pick his brain. I do know that he works on the spring adjusting length and tension. He is very careful to test after each adjustment with a stock bump to be sure the trigger won’t release on a drop.
Scrolling through some of his threads may help if you have the time. He was a very prolific thread poster for a while so there will be a good number to peruse.

Re: Private MSG's hung up in "OUTBOX"

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:42 am
by henry22
That's excellent RetiredSeabee, much appreciated. I originally msg'd North Country Girl on the issue, assuming she'd know how to do this, and she actually suggested I contact Sir Henry too. So yesterday I sent him a private msg, asking the same thing. We'll see what he says when he logs back in.

I'll look for some of his threads.

Thanks again.

Re: Private MSG's hung up in "OUTBOX"

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:57 pm
by Mags
Sir Henry is on a camping trip tour of the Oregon coast until after the 28th. As I recall from one of his earlier trips his cell phone and the forum software don't get along so I wouldn't expect to hear from him here until he gets back.
henry22 wrote:That's excellent RetiredSeabee, much appreciated. I originally msg'd North Country Girl on the issue, assuming she'd know how to do this, and she actually suggested I contact Sir Henry too. So yesterday I sent him a private msg, asking the same thing. We'll see what he says when he logs back in.

I'll look for some of his threads.

Thanks again.